//Pfade zu images anpassen var GPXMAP; (function ($) { "use strict"; GPXMAP = { options: { polylineStrokeColor : '#0000CC', polylineOpacity : 0.1, centerImg : false, enableInfoWindows : true, textMarkerInfo : '



', markerIcons : { "Circle, Green": '/tools/gpx2mapSuedtirol/static/../images/flag-export.png' }, textElevationFormat : '%d m', textElevationPercision : 2, textDistanceFormat : '%d km', textSpeedFormat : '%d km/h', textSlopeFormat : '%d %', textTimeFormat : '%h:%m h', enableElevaChart : true, enableSpeedChart : true, enableSlopeChart : true, enableMapTypes : ['osmmapnik', 'osmarender', 'cyclekarte', 'wanderwegekarte', 'wanderwegesat'], grid : { borderColor: '#ccc', labelMargin: 5 }, chartWidth : '100%', chartHeight : '120', chartColor : 'blue', chartFill : false, chartCrossColor : 'blue', chartBorder : '5px', chartBackground : '#ddd', chartMargin : '10px auto', chartPadding : '0px auto', textElevationCSS : { height : '20px', width : '100%', lineHeight: '20px', background: '#ccc', color : 'black', position : 'static', fontSize : 'small', textAlign : 'center', margin :'10px auto' }, mapDivCSS : { position: 'relative', width : '100%', height : 200, border : '0px solid black', margin : '0px auto' } }, map : null, path : [], bounds : null, markers : {}, polyline : null, mapTypes : {}, iw : null, chart : null, elSvc : null, elevations : null, divs : {}, gpxPoints : [], mapChangeTimer : null, selectorMap : '#map', selectorChart : '#elevation-chart', selectorChartSpeed : '#speed-chart', selectorChartSlope : '#slope-chart', isResizing : false, oldCenter : false, isMapFull : false, old : {}, init: function (options) { this.options = $.extend(true, this.options, options); this.divs.map = $(this.selectorMap); this.divs.chart = $(this.selectorChart); this.divs.chartSpeed = $(this.selectorChartSpeed); this.divs.chartSlope = $(this.selectorChartSlope); this.divs.map.css(this.options.mapDivCSS); $.getScript('http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false&callback=GPXMAP.map_init'); }, map_init: function () { // Initiate Maps var pathOptions, mapOptions, mapStyles, i, ii; // Hide Business Layer mapStyles = [ { featureType: "poi.business", elementType: "labels", stylers: [ { visibility: "off" } ] } ]; mapOptions = { zoom: 13, center: new google.maps.LatLng(gpxPoints[0][0], gpxPoints[0][1]), styles: mapStyles, mapTypeControl: true, mapTypeControlOptions: { style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU, mapTypeIds: $.merge([google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE, google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID, google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN], this.options.enableMapTypes) }, //mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP //mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE //mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID //mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID //mapTypeId: 'osmmapnik' //mapTypeId: 'osmarender' //mapTypeId: 'cyclekarte' mapTypeId: 'wanderwegesat' //mapTypeId: 'wanderwegekarte' }; this.map = new google.maps.Map(this.divs.map.get(0), mapOptions); this.elSvc = new google.maps.ElevationService(); this.bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); this.iw = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); // Generate extra map types this.newMapTypes(); var it; for (it in this.mapTypes) { if (this.mapTypes.hasOwnProperty(it)) { this.map.mapTypes.set(it, this.mapTypes[it]); } } // Add fullscreen control this.mapFullscreen(); // Update things on map drag/zoom google.maps.event.addListener(this.map, 'dragend', this.mapChangeCallback); google.maps.event.addListener(this.map, 'zoom_changed', this.mapChangeCallback); // Draw polyline $.each(gpxPoints, function (i, el) { var LatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(el[0], el[1]); GPXMAP.path.push(LatLng); GPXMAP.bounds.extend(LatLng); }); // Draw path pathOptions = { path : this.path, strokeColor: this.options.polylineStrokeColor, opacity : this.options.polylineOpacity, map : this.map }; GPXMAP.polyline = new google.maps.Polyline(pathOptions); google.maps.event.addListener(GPXMAP.polyline, 'click', this.polyClick); // Draw markers for (i in gpxMarkers) { if (gpxMarkers.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // Get icon if ('undefined' !== typeof(gpxMarkers[i][4]) && '' !== gpxMarkers[i][4]) { var markerIcon = ''; for (ii in GPXMAP.options.markerIcons) if(GPXMAP.options.markerIcons.hasOwnProperty(ii)) { if (new RegExp(ii).test(gpxMarkers[i][4])) { markerIcon = GPXMAP.options.markerIcons[ii]; } } } this.markers[i] = new google.maps.Marker({ position: new google.maps.LatLng(gpxMarkers[i][0], gpxMarkers[i][1]), title : gpxMarkers[i][2], desc : GPXMAP.options.textMarkerInfo.replace(/%title%/, gpxMarkers[i][2]).replace(/%text%/, gpxMarkers[i][3]), map : this.map, icon : markerIcon }); if(GPXMAP.options.enableInfoWindows) { google.maps.event.addListener(this.markers[i], 'click', GPXMAP.iwShow); } } } // Center map with regard to points on path this.map.fitBounds(this.bounds); // Create Elevation chart; if(GPXMAP.options.enableElevaChart) this.flotElevation(); // Create Speed chart; if(GPXMAP.options.enableSpeedChart) this.flotSpeed(); // Create Slope chart; if(GPXMAP.options.enableSlopeChart) this.flotSlope(); // Center cross GPXMAP.divs.center = $('
').css({ height: '12px', width: '12px', background: 'url(' + (this.options.centerImg || '/tools/gpx2mapSuedtirol/static/../images/center.gif') + ') no-repeat', position: 'absolute', display: 'none' }) .insertAfter(this.divs.map) .bind('reload', function () { GPXMAP.divs.center.css({ top: function () { return GPXMAP.divs.map.get(0).offsetTop + GPXMAP.divs.map.get(0).offsetHeight / 2 - 10; }, left: function () { return GPXMAP.divs.map.get(0).offsetLeft + GPXMAP.divs.map.get(0).offsetWidth / 2 - 6; }, display: 'block' }); }); // Tweak center cross on resize $(window).bind('resize ready load domready', function () { GPXMAP.divs.center.trigger('reload'); }); if($.browser.msie) setTimeout('GPXMAP.divs.center.trigger("reload")', 1000); // Elevation value placeholder div this.divs.Elev = $('
') .css(this.options.textElevationCSS) .insertAfter(GPXMAP.divs.map); /* this.divs.Elev .css({ top: function () { return GPXMAP.divs.map.get(0).offsetTop + GPXMAP.divs.map.get(0).offsetHeight - GPXMAP.divs.Elev.get(0).offsetHeight / 2; }, left: function () { return GPXMAP.divs.map.get(0).offsetLeft + GPXMAP.divs.map.get(0).offsetWidth / 2 - GPXMAP.divs.Elev.get(0).offsetWidth / 2; } });*/ }, flotElevation: function () { var i, data = []; for (i = 0; i < gpxPoints.length; i++) { data.push([gpxPoints[i][3].toFixed(2), gpxPoints[i][2]]); } this.chart = this.createChart( this.divs.chart, 'chart', data ); }, flotSpeed: function () { var i, data = []; for (i = 0; i < gpxPoints.length; i++) { data.push([gpxPoints[i][3].toFixed(2), gpxPoints[i][5]]); } this.chartSpeed = this.createChart(this.divs.chartSpeed, 'chartSpeed', data); }, flotSlope: function () { var i, data = []; for (i = 0; i < gpxPoints.length; i++) { data.push([gpxPoints[i][3].toFixed(2), gpxPoints[i][6]]); } this.chartSlope = this.createChart(this.divs.chartSlope, 'chartSlope', data); }, createChart: function(div, chart, data) { div.css({ height: this.options.chartHeight, width: this.options.chartWidth, border: this.options.chartBorder, background: this.options.chartBackground, margin: this.options.chartMargin, padding: this.options.chartPadding }); div.on('plothover', null, ['chart'], function (event, pos, item, chart) { GPXMAP.plotHover(event, pos, item, event.data[0]); }); var yAxisFormat = ''; if('undefined' !== typeof(this.divs.chart) && div === this.divs.chart) yAxisFormat = 'textElevationFormat'; else if('undefined' !== typeof(this.divs.chartSpeed) && div === this.divs.chartSpeed) yAxisFormat = 'textSpeedFormat'; else if('undefined' !== typeof(this.divs.chartSlope) && div === this.divs.chartSlope) yAxisFormat = 'textSlopeFormat'; return $.plot(div, [ { data: data, color: this.options.chartColor, lines: { show: true, fill: this.options.chartFill } } ], { crosshair: { mode: "xy", color: this.options.chartCrossColor }, grid: $.extend({ hoverable: true, autoHighlight: true, clickable: true }, this.options.grid), xaxis: { tickFormatter: function (v){ return GPXMAP.options.textDistanceFormat.replace(/%d/, v); } }, yaxis: { tickFormat: yAxisFormat, tickFormatter: function (v){ return GPXMAP.options[this.tickFormat].replace(/%d/, (v<1&&v!=0?v.toFixed(2):v)); } } } ); }, plotHover: function(event, pos, item, chart) { var x = pos.x.toFixed(2), y = pos.y.toFixed(2), pointIdx = null, i; for(i=0; i= pos.x) { pointIdx = i; break; } } if(!pointIdx && pointIdx !== 0) return; GPXMAP.map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng( gpxPoints[pointIdx][0], gpxPoints[pointIdx][1] )); GPXMAP.pointChanged(i); }, plotsHighlight: function(i) { if(this.options.enableElevaChart) this.plotHighlight(i, 'chart'); if(this.options.enableSpeedChart) this.plotHighlight(i, 'chartSpeed'); if(this.options.enableSlopeChart) this.plotHighlight(i, 'chartSlope'); }, plotHighlight: function(i, chart) { GPXMAP[chart].unhighlight(); GPXMAP[chart].highlight( 0, i); }, pointChanged: function(i) { var t = this.options.textDistanceFormat.replace(/%d/, gpxPoints[i][3]); if(this.options.enableElevaChart) t = t + ' | ' + this.options.textElevationFormat.replace(/%d/, gpxPoints[i][2].toFixed(this.options.textElevationPercision) ); if(this.options.enableSpeedChart) t = t + ' | ' + this.options.textSpeedFormat.replace(/%d/, gpxPoints[i][5]); if(this.options.enableSlopeChart) t = t + ' | ' + this.options.textSlopeFormat.replace(/%d/, gpxPoints[i][6]); if(i > 0) { var d = gpxPoints[i][4] - gpxPoints[0][4]; var h = Math.floor(d/60/60); var m = Math.floor((d - h*60*60) / 60); t = t + ' | ' + this.options.textTimeFormat .replace(/%h/, h) .replace(/%m/, m); } this.divs.Elev.text( t ); this.plotsHighlight(i); }, elevationCallback: function (a) { var i = a.row; this.map.setCenter(this.path[i]); elevationChanged(gpxPoints[i][2]); }, polyClick: function (a) { GPXMAP.map.setCenter(a.latLng); GPXMAP.mapChangeCallback(); }, findPointFromLatLng: function (latLng) { var result = null; var fxd = 3; $.each(gpxPoints, function (i, el){ if((el[0].toFixed(fxd) === latLng.lat().toFixed(fxd)) && (el[1].toFixed(fxd) === latLng.lng().toFixed(fxd))) result = i; }); return result; }, mapChangeCallback: function () { GPXMAP.mapChangeTimer = setTimeout(GPXMAP.mapChange, 100); }, mapChange: function () { var latLng = GPXMAP.map.getCenter(); var point = GPXMAP.findPointFromLatLng(latLng); if(point) { GPXMAP.pointChanged(point); } else { GPXMAP.elSvc.getElevationForLocations({ locations: [latLng] }, function (results, status){ if(status === google.maps.ElevationStatus.OK) GPXMAP.elevationChanged( results[0].elevation, '' ); }); } }, elevationChanged: function (elevation, distance) { var text = this.options.textElevationFormat.replace(/%d/, elevation.toFixed(this.options.textElevationPercision) ); if(distance) text = text + ' | ' + this.options.textDistanceFormat.replace(/%d/, distance); this.divs.Elev.text( text ); }, newMapTypes: function () { this.mapTypes.osmmapnik = new google.maps.ImageMapType({ getTileUrl: function(ll, z) { var X = ll.x % (1 << z); return "http://tile.openstreetmap.org/" + z + "/" + X + "/" + ll.y + ".png"; }, tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256), isPng: true, maxZoom: 18, name: "OSM Mapnik", alt: "Open Streetmap Mapnik" }); this.mapTypes.osmarender = new google.maps.ImageMapType({ getTileUrl: function(ll, z) { var X = ll.x % (1 << z); return "http://tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/tile/" + z + "/" + X + "/" + ll.y + ".png"; }, tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256), isPng: true, maxZoom: 18, name: "OSM T&H", alt: "Open Streetmap Osmarender" }); this.mapTypes.cyclekarte = new google.maps.ImageMapType({ getTileUrl: function(ll, z) { var X = ll.x % (1 << z); return "http://c.tile.opencyclemap.org/cycle/" + z + "/" + X + "/" + ll.y + ".png"; }, tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256), isPng: true, maxZoom: 18, name: "OSM Cycle", alt: "Open Streetmap Cycle" }); this.mapTypes.wanderwegekarte = new google.maps.ImageMapType({ getTileUrl: function(ll, z) { var X = ll.x % (1 << z); //P_BZ_OF_2008_EPSG3857 Luftbild 2008 - Ortofotocarta 2008 (EPSG 3857) //P_BZ_BASEMAP_HYBRID Basemap mit Luftbild, Straßen und Ortsbezeichnungen //P_BZ_BASEMAP_BLANK Basemap ohne Straßen und Ortsbezeichnungen //P_BZ_BASEMAP_TOPO Basemap mit Straßen und Ortsbezeichnungen //P_BZ_BASEMAP_HYBRID_EPSG3857 Basemap mit Luftbild, Straßen und Ortsbezeichnungen //P_BZ_OF_2014_EPSG3857 Luftbild 2014 (EPSG 3857) //P_BZ_OF_2014 Luftbild 2014 //P_BZ_BASEMAP_DARK Basemap dunkelgrau //P_BZ_OF_2014_2015 Luftbild 2014/2015 //BASEMAP_5000_2007 Vektorgrundkarte 2007 (1:5000) //P_BZ_OF_2008 Luftbild 2008 //BASEMAP_10000_2007 Vektorgrundkarte 2007 (1:10000) //P_BZ_OF_2011 Luftbild 2011 //P_BZ_OF_2011_EPSG3857 Luftbild 2011 //GlobalCRS84Scale //EPSG:4326 //EPSG:25832 //GoogleCRS84Quad //EPSG:900913 var mapLayer="P_BZ_BASEMAP_TOPO"; //Basiskarte mit Straßen, Wanderwegen, Landnutzung, Geländeschummerung, Ortsnamen return "http://geoservices.buergernetz.bz.it/geoserver/gwc/service/wmts/?SERVICE=WMTS&REQUEST=GetTile&VERSION=1.0.0&LAYER="+mapLayer+"&STYLE=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&TILEMATRIXSET=GoogleMapsCompatible&TILEMATRIX=GoogleMapsCompatible:"+z+"&TileRow="+ll.y+"&TileCol="+X; }, tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256), isPng: true, maxZoom: 20, name: "Wandern K", alt: "Wanderwege Südtirol Karte" }); this.mapTypes.wanderwegesat = new google.maps.ImageMapType({ getTileUrl: function(ll, z) { var X = ll.x % (1 << z); var mapLayer="P_BZ_BASEMAP_HYBRID_EPSG3857"; return "http://geoservices.buergernetz.bz.it/geoserver/gwc/service/wmts/?SERVICE=WMTS&REQUEST=GetTile&VERSION=1.0.0&LAYER="+mapLayer+"&STYLE=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&TILEMATRIXSET=GoogleMapsCompatible&TILEMATRIX=GoogleMapsCompatible:"+z+"&TileRow="+ll.y+"&TileCol="+X; }, tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256), isPng: true, maxZoom: 20, name: "Wandern S", alt: "Wanderwege Südtirol Satellit" }); }, iwShow: function () { GPXMAP.iw.setContent(this.desc); GPXMAP.iw.open(this.map,this); }, doFullscreen: function() { //console.log("doFullscreen"); var oBody = $('body'); var oHTML = $('html'); var oMap = $('#map'); var oElev = $('#map-elevation'); var oEChart = $('#elevation-chart'); var xc = Math.round($(window).width()/2); var yc = Math.round($(window).height()/2); if(!this.isMapFull) { // enter Fullscreen //console.log("doFullscreen enter"); this.old.val = oMap.attr("style"); this.old.body = oBody.attr("style"); this.old.w = oMap.width(); this.old.h = oMap.height(); this.old.p = oMap.position(); this.oldCenter = this.map.getCenter(); this.old.scrolpos = oBody.scrollTop(); this.old.scrolpos2 = oHTML.scrollTop(); // if(!$.browser.mozilla) { oBody.css("overflow", "hidden"); oHTML.css("overflow", "hidden"); //ie7 fix // } oBody.scrollTop(0); oHTML.scrollTop(0); oMap.css({ zIndex: 1000, position: 'fixed', top:'0px', left:'0px', width: '100%', height: '100%', margin:'0px', padding:'0px', border:'0px' }); oMap.appendTo("body"); /* Individuell laut Layout anpassen */ /* $('#inhalt').css({ display:'none' });*/ $('#buttonInhalt').css({ display:'none' }); $('#controls-wrapper').css({ display:'none' }); $('#kopf').css({ display:'none' }); $('#pauseplay i').removeClass("fa-pause"); $('#pauseplay i').addClass("fa-play"); $('#pauseplay').addClass("open"); $('#pauseplay').removeClass("close"); /* Ende Anpassungen */ google.maps.event.trigger(GPXMAP.map, 'resize'); GPXMAP.map.panTo( GPXMAP.oldCenter ); GPXMAP.isMapFull = !GPXMAP.isMapFull; } else { // exit Fullscreen //console.log("doFullscreen exit"); oMap.css({ position: 'static', top: Math.round(this.old.p.top) + 'px', left: Math.round(this.old.p.left) + 'px', width: this.old.w + 'px', height: this.old.h + 'px' }); oMap.prependTo("#gpxMap"); /* Individuell laut Layout anpassen */ $('#buttonInhalt').css({ display:'block' }); $('#controls-wrapper').css({ display:'block' }); $('#kopf').css({ display:'block' }); $('#pauseplay i').addClass("fa-pause"); $('#pauseplay i').removeClass("fa-play"); $('#pauseplay').addClass("close"); $('#pauseplay').removeClass("open"); /* Ende Anpassungen */ oBody.attr("style", GPXMAP.old.body); // if(!$.browser.mozilla) { oBody.css("overflow", "auto"); oHTML.css("overflow", "auto"); //ie7 fix // } oMap.attr("style", GPXMAP.old.val); oBody.scrollTop(GPXMAP.old.scrolpos); oHTML.scrollTop(GPXMAP.old.scrolpos2); google.maps.event.trigger(GPXMAP.map, 'resize'); GPXMAP.map.panTo( GPXMAP.oldCenter ); GPXMAP.isMapFull = !GPXMAP.isMapFull; } }, mapFullscreen: function() { //console.log("mapFullscreen"); var controlDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); controlDiv.index = 0; this.map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_RIGHT].push(controlDiv); this.divSize = $('
') .attr({ 'title': 'resize map', 'class': 'btnMap' }) .css({ background: 'transparent url(/tools/gpx2mapSuedtirol/static/../images/resize.png) no-repeat center center', marginTop: 4, marginRight: 10, padding: 2, width: '16px', height: '16px', cursor: 'pointer' }); this.divSize.appendTo(controlDiv); google.maps.event.addDomListener(this.divSize.get(0), 'click', function() { GPXMAP.doFullscreen(); }); } }; }(jQuery));